Pasture-Raised Duck Eggs

They happily spend all day on pasture, then in a covered enclosure each night for protection from predators.

Now we're pleased to have a supply of duck eggs available at our Piedmont Triad Farmers Market stand. Just text or call Jimmy at 336-963-1842 to have some waiting for you the next time he's there.

Why duck eggs? Check out this article.
We've gotten our ducks in a row . . . and they're laying.
Good job ladies!
Jimmy photo courtesy of DeAnne Meyer Photography
Jimmy at the Farmers Market
Visit us at the
2914 Sandy Ridge Rd. At I-40, Colfax NC
Farmers Area 2 - Space #80

February Hours
(Weather Permitting)
Saturday:  11:00 - 4:00
Sunday - Friday:  Closed

Text or Call Jimmy if needed